Trains an CNN model based on a list of matrices with occurrence counts for a
set of species, generated by iucnn_cnn_features
, and the
corresponding IUCN classes formatted as a iucnn_labels object with
. Note that taxa for which information is
only present in one of the two input objects will be removed from further
path_to_output = "iuc_nn_model",
production_model = NULL,
cv_fold = 1,
test_fraction = 0.2,
seed = 1234,
max_epochs = 100,
patience = 20,
randomize_instances = TRUE,
balance_classes = TRUE,
dropout_rate = 0,
mc_dropout_reps = 100,
optimize_for = "loss",
pooling_strategy = "average",
save_model = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
verbose = 0
a list of matrices containing the occurrence counts across a spatial grid for a set of species.
an object of the class iucnn_labels, as generated by
containing the labels for all species.
character string. The path to the location where the IUCNN model shall be saved
an object of type iucnn_model (default=NULL).
If an iucnn_model is provided, iucnn_cnn_train
will read the settings of
this model and reproduce it, but use all available data for training, by
automatically setting the validation set to 0 and cv_fold to 1. This is
recommended before using the model for predicting the IUCN status of
not evaluated species, as it generally improves the prediction
accuracy of the model. Choosing this option will ignore all other provided
settings below.
integer (default=1). When setting cv_fold > 1,
will perform k-fold cross-validation. In this case,
the provided setting for test_fraction will be ignored, as the test size of
each CV-fold is determined by the specified number provided here.
numeric. The fraction of the input data used as test set.
integer. Set a starting seed for reproducibility.
integer. The maximum number of epochs.
integer. Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped.
logical (default=TRUE). When set to TRUE (default) the instances will be shuffled before training (recommended).
logical (default=FALSE). If set to TRUE,
will perform supersampling of the training instances to
account for uneven class distribution in the training data.
numeric. This will randomly turn off the specified
fraction of nodes of the neural network during each epoch of training
making the NN more stable and less reliant on individual nodes/weights, which
can prevent over-fitting (only available for modes nn-class and nn-reg).
See mc_dropout setting explained below if dropout shall also be applied to the
predictions. For models trained with a dropout fraction > 0, the predictions
(including the validation accuracy)
will reflect the stochasticity introduced by the dropout method (MC dropout
predictions). This is e.g. required when wanting to predict with a specified
accuracy threshold (see target_acc option in
integer. The number of MC iterations to run when predicting validation accuracy and calculating the accuracy-threshold table required for making predictions with an accuracy threshold. The default of 100 is usually sufficient, larger values will lead to longer computation times, particularly during model testing with cross-validation.
string. Default is "loss", which will train the model until optimal validation set loss is reached. Set to "accuracy" if you want to optimize for maximum validation accuracy instead.
string. Pooling strategy after first convolutional layer. Choose between "average" (default) and "max".
logical. If TRUE the model is saved to disk.
logical. If TRUE existing models are overwritten. Default is set to FALSE.
Default 0, set to 1 for iucnn_cnn_train
to print
additional info to the screen while training.
outputs an iucnn_model
object which can be used in
for predicting the conservation status
of not evaluated species.
See vignette("Approximate_IUCN_Red_List_assessments_with_IUCNN")
for a tutorial on how to run IUCNN.
if (FALSE) {
data("training_occ") #geographic occurrences of species with IUCN assessment
data("training_labels")# the corresponding IUCN assessments
cnn_training_features <- iucnn_cnn_features(training_occ)
cnn_labels <- iucnn_prepare_labels(x = training_labels,
y = cnn_training_features)
trained_model <- iucnn_cnn_train(cnn_training_features,
overwrite = TRUE,
dropout = 0.1)